

Welcome to my Happy Place! I’m Chris, the Happy baker-in-chief. I was born and raised up North, but, after decades in Georgia, feel I have definitely earned a bit of Southern street cred. Plus, I sometimes say “y’all” now, so there’s that. My grandmother inspired the cooking-from-scratch spark in me at an early age. I spent countless hours watching her create delicious dishes, and enjoying the benefits — birthday cakes and Christmas cookies were an especially big deal! Then I grew up, got married, moved away, and started my own family, but that “kitchen is the heart of the home” spirit has stayed with me. I love to make occasions special for my loved ones. And now I hope I can do a little bit of that for you!


Happy Place Bake Shop was born out of all that love mentioned above. It’s the “Happy Place” because that’s what my kids and I have always called it, so it had to be. There are a couple of things I would like you to know:

  • Happy Place Bake Shop has a competely peanut-free menu. Having a child with a life-threatening peanut allergy, we know what it means to try to navigate prepared foods. This has added even more fuel to my passion for baking from scratch. I cannot, of course, make any absolute guarantees, but do my very best to make you aware of any nut ingredients and offer alternatives. Please be sure to let me know of any food-related concerns you may have.
  • Pick-up is free at select area locations, and delivery is available for a minimal fee.
  • Happy Place Bake Shop is a licensed Cottage Food establishment. As such, I have completed food safety training and my kitchen has been approved by the Georgia Department of Agriculture.